Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Where Have I Gone?

I haven't been updating my blog for like a month or so cause my lazy butt was such in good mood not to do anything but eat, TV, and sleep. I know... It's the lamest thing to do and not a good habit for me and for every human being. But aside from those shabby things, I went traveling for a week with my family and with THAT I can be proud. Tadah! So where have I and my family gone for a week? We were at Kutching and Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. This is my first travel entry and I'm so excited! 

The purpose of this travel was to attend the 2012 Asian Mission Forum or AMF. So what is this all about? It's an event where all Asian Missionaries come together and share their ministries, have fellowship with one another and experiencing worshiping God as one family. It was my first time attending and I had such a blast! Me and my brother made new friends and I have met some wonderful and inspiring Missionaries all over Asia. It took me so long to post-process everything at the AMF. I had this post-AMF-syndrome. Now, I wish I could rewind time and bring back July 27, 2012 where all of these have started...

I will never forget this. Because the queue was so long, and my grandparents was with us (senior citizens), we were given privilege to go first. Oh yeah! But the condition was that, either my grandpa or my grandma should be in a wheelchair. So my grandpa had to do it even though he can still walk. Lol! I had to take a picture because not because of this we weren't treated as VIPs. 

Just wanna say this, this airport needs TLC.

The family always gets excited when we travel together. I love family trips! 

It's Mt. Kinabalu's peak from the airplane. Felt proud of myself hiking that mountain even though I didn't reach the peak. Well, at least...

Our first Chinese meal. I just love Asian Cuisine. We ate a lot of Chinese food during this trip made me crave for Filipino food.

When you're at Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, don't forget to drop by Old Town White Coffee. They have the best white coffee for me and they serve this oh-so-yummy Kaya and Butter Toast.

At some beach in KK, Malaysia with my Dad's Chinese-Christian friends and their super cute daughter.

I've always wanted to ride in a yacht. Someday...

This car was so cool. It has this futuristic-vintage style. Had to take a picture of me with it.

No going home to the Philippines without any souvenirs. Filipino culture. Awesome! It's like "No ID, no entry."

Ate our favorite Malaysian doughnut brand before our serious shopping. Just to keep as energized. Woot! Woot! Sugah! :D

Ooooh... COACH! Their dream bag. One day...

She is just sooo ADORABLE! And she loves Hellokity. 

And more Asian cuisine...

Welcome to Kutching, Sabah Malaysia.

First day and night of the AMF... And this is where the post-AMF-syndrome has started. This part of my travel post will really bring back all the wonderful memories of the AMF.

River cruise at the Sarawak river. 

This cruise was so crowded but everyone was enjoying each other. Its great to be with Christian groups and hang out. :)

With new friends and I miss them! 

Finally, at the famous cat statue. Well I called it "famous" because when you search Kutching, Malaysia on the internet, this cat statue is the first you will see. 

With Asian Missionaries. 

Real human skulls. Eerie...

My mom smelling that old native clothing. Mama!?!?!

Crafts and Arts...

More arts and crafts...

Now, nature... Had a long walk at the cultural village where we all saw native houses of the natives at Kutching. Witnessed a cultural dance which honestly didn't amazed me. I've seen better here in the Philippines. Woops! 

This was before the last day and we were given the whole afternoon free so we decided to hang out and have fun.

Representing the Philippines! With us is Jim McGuigan (Ireland), AMF2012 speaker and Joel Osborne (Japan), host of the AMF2012.

This ends my first long travel post and I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed working on it! 

Xoxo Joanna <3





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Hi! I am Joanna Talaver. I am a part time makeup artist. I have the desire to travel the world. I like food, music and movies. I consider myself a random type of person which tends to be very sometimes. And I just started my cake business. Hope you'll find this blog interesting. Xoxo