Wednesday, September 5, 2012

One Day

I was supposed to blog about this last night but when I started working on the layout, it took me the whole night which made me so tired and sleepy that I just went straight to bed.

Have you guys watched the movie One Day? 

Adopted from David Nicholl's bestseller One Day. Emma Morley (Anne Hathaway) and Dexter Mayhew (Jim Sturgess) met on July 15 which was their graduation day. After spending the night together, they are shown each year on the same date to see where they are in their lives.

My cousin told me that one of her college friends said that the movie wasn't quite good. That it was boring. But when I watched it, I fell immediately in love. It gives this twist of scenarios that you never expected to happen. And yes, also because I'm a die-hard-hopeless-romantic. Maybe my cousin's friend said it was boring because it was in Queen's English and it was a serious drama love story, but still I love it! These are my favorite scenes in the movie...

Dexter and Emma. Still young, fresh from college. This was after the day they met.

The early years... 

After so many years. The revelation...

I will never get tired watching this movie. Making this movie post makes me wanna watch it again for the 3rd time. Haha! I hope you guys will love it as much as I enjoyed smiling and crying watching One Day. <3


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Hi! I am Joanna Talaver. I am a part time makeup artist. I have the desire to travel the world. I like food, music and movies. I consider myself a random type of person which tends to be very sometimes. And I just started my cake business. Hope you'll find this blog interesting. Xoxo