Friday, June 29, 2012

Hello Sunshine

Oh, how I love the sunshine. I like it better than rain. Well I love the rain too especially when your at home, chillin and sippin' your hot chocolate. I love how the rain sounds and its smell when it hits the dry hot ground. Enough about rain. I know that there is no getting around the fact that sunlight is hard on our skin, especially us girls. The sunlight benefits us in so many ways. It delivers heat that raise our core body temperature and the higher core body temperature, will increase our cell function and higher energy. This increases our detoxification and purification systems. How cool is that? The sun has this UVB rays which our body synthesize Vitamin D. Vitamin D is most known to regulate calcium levels and absorption. It is also important for healthy immune function, nervous function, and blood sugar regulation. I've read in the internet, 20 minutes of sunlight on our arms, hands and face will produce about 400 IU of Vit D. For those who's still enjoying their summer get-away, a day of summer sun in a bikini until the skin is pink will produce as much as 20,000 IU of Vit D. Nice!!! ;) Like me, cause I stay in a tropical country, a day in a tropics could easily result in 100,000 IU of Vit D. Hurray!!! 

So don't neglect the sun you guys. Love it! Cause it does a lot of good things for our health. Spend just 30 mins out in the sun. Let the sun hit your face, arms, your whole body. Well we've all heard that the sun is also cancerous when you stay long especially when its so high.  So I suggest that you do your 30 mins sunlight routine in the morning. Probably like 8 in the morning. Get that Vitamin D in you and GLOW like the sun.


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Hi! I am Joanna Talaver. I am a part time makeup artist. I have the desire to travel the world. I like food, music and movies. I consider myself a random type of person which tends to be very sometimes. And I just started my cake business. Hope you'll find this blog interesting. Xoxo