Saturday, February 17, 2018

Happy Hearts Day

It's 3 days after Valentine's Day and I just want to share with you guys my Valentine's experience.
February 14 is actually not only celebrated as Valentines Day for me and my fiance Dewey but also our anniversary. 

Dewey, is the the type of person who is very practical. He doesn't usually give me or surprise me with gifts or flowers during special occasions. He usually wants us to eat out or have dinner instead of buying me things. I do tell him though that from time to time every woman or lady wants to receive something special from their boyfriends, fiance's or husbands cause its also one way to express love. Last February 14, I was really persistent in telling him that I wanted flowers. Hahaha! But he was just laughing and brushing it off and told me that we're just going to have lunch out.

Later that day, when I went home from work, He was already at my house waiting for me but I didn't feel anything suspicious since he goes to the house after work and waits for me. When I entered the house gate, on top of the car's wind shield I saw a bouquet of roses and I was so surprised! It was so sweet of him that he thought of getting me flowers even though its not his thing. 

Thank you Bubu for doing something that your are not used to do like giving me flowers. Happy 2nd anniversary and I love you! 



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Hi! I am Joanna Talaver. I am a part time makeup artist. I have the desire to travel the world. I like food, music and movies. I consider myself a random type of person which tends to be very sometimes. And I just started my cake business. Hope you'll find this blog interesting. Xoxo