Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Book and Movie Review: The Fault In Our Stars

My title and the first picture really shows that yes, finally, I'm going to talk about what I thought and felt about The Fault In Our Stars: the movie and the book. Guys, seriously, I am having a hard time controlling myself writing this blog. You guys don't have any idea how excited I am even though I finished reading and watching TFIOS a month ago.

Ok, let me start with the book first...

I have this rule now that I will have to read the book first if there are any that they decided to make it into a movie. I read TFIOS first before watching the movie. I actually have the book like 6 months before the movie came out and I never had the chance to read it which I had no idea still that they'll come up with a movie. 

Of course, when TFIOS started to become a big hit because of the coming soon movie, that was the time I started to read. I just instantly fell in love with the book. You know, I am not a very huge reader or what they call bookworm, but this book somehow reminded me how much fun reading is. This book will take you in a emotional roller coaster, I tell you. Happy, sad, you name it. 

The Fault In Our Stars was written by John Green which I recently found out that he was also a youtuber. The book was beautifully written with heart melting poems and lines from the characters Hazel Grace and Augustus. I instantly fell in love with the characters. Because I am a lady and a die hard romantic (Now you guys know that about me), of course I fell so in love with Augustus (Not lying. Haha). I love how honest and genuine he was. Hazel Grace in the other hand, which I also love, was a strong girl but was closing doors to everything until she met Augustus. I also admire how genuine her love was towards Augustus and her parents. I like how the book shows the "not-typical" love story that most books have. And yea, The Fault In Our Stars is a must read if you haven't read it. I would definitely reread TFIOS. 

Now, the movie... 

The movie made me fall in  love more and more with the book. I don't know if you guys got that but that's what I felt. The Fault In Our Stars the movie was directed by Josh Boone. Because John Green was always present on set and was hands on, it made the movie more awesome. It was a different experience for me now that I was seeing the characters' emotions and all the sound effects and all the beautiful scenery of Amsterdam. My heart was exploding. Picturing out the book clearly with my eyes made the movie great. For me, the book is always better than the movie, but The Fault In Our Stars the movie was a great summary of the book. That's how I'll describe it. 

So, I hope I'll not spoil some of you with some of the pictures I'm gonna show. Some are my favorite scenes from the movie. Enjoy!


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Hi! I am Joanna Talaver. I am a part time makeup artist. I have the desire to travel the world. I like food, music and movies. I consider myself a random type of person which tends to be very sometimes. And I just started my cake business. Hope you'll find this blog interesting. Xoxo